Friday, May 4th
5:00pm // Welcome
Meet & greet with workshop hosts and Mark Shepard
6:00pm // Casual dinner
Review of work done from last RAD workshop and schedule for the rest of the weekend
9:00pm // Break for the evening
Saturday, May 5th
8:00am // Breakfast
Lecture, then venture out into the woods for lessons on woodlot assessment and management
12:00pm // Break for lunch
1:00pm // Come back from lunch
Head to Jonah's to learn how to site and plant trees for regenerative agricultural systems
Review watershed management layout at the farms
6:00pm // Dinner at Joel's
Lecture and wind-down with beers, fire & music
Sunday, May 6th
9:00am // Breakfast
Lecture on introducing livestock to silvopastures
Lecture on cash-cropping
12:00pm // Break for lunch
1:00pm // Come back from lunch
Lecture on farm economics
2:15pm // Group Activity:
Learn how to inoculate shiitake logs. (Attendees get to take home their mushroom log!)
5:00pm // End of Workshop